Each chapter should host their own party or meeting, before the end of February. Celebrate by sharing NARBW memories with your chapter members. Take pictures of your chapter’s celebration; why not wear your favorite NARBW attire or a creative theme to honor our founder. Remember to share your pictures on your chapter’s social media page, before the end of February to be part of the contest.
This is a fundraiser for the ‘I Love NARBW’ fund, so please remember to send your chapter’s donation on the 2019-2020 Chapter Payment form. If you do not have a social media page, send your summary and pictures to the 2VP@narbw.org to be part of this quarterly event.
This year we will have a contest with two separate prizes, one will be awarded to the winning chapter and the second prize will be awarded to an individual member (chapter member or Member-At-Large). Both have the same criteria, theme and contribution to ‘I Love NARBW’ fund. The prizes will be awarded at the Presidents Brunch at the convention.
*** Check back on the National Facebook page for more ideas ***
Any questions, please contact, Renee Noble – NARBW National 2nd VP.